Best Bros
Kyle Foster and Arya Vahdatshoar
Best Gal Pals
Hallie Koele and Gabby Steinberg
Cutest Couple
Kabir Satija and Claire Brinster
Most Musical
Max Lu and Amy Brinster
Most Artistic
Grant Smith and Jena Ialongo
Most Athletic
Drew Sotka and Kathryn Hoffman
Most Intellectual
Kabir Satija and Claire Brinster
Best Smile
Arya Vahdatshoar and Megan Writt
Best Dressed
Luke Coard and Sydney Repole
Best Eyes
Timmy Sweeney and Bronwyn Gallagher
Best Hair
Harrison Young and Ella Glazier
Best Car
Mikey Small and Hallie Koele
Funniest/ Class Clown
Kyle Foster and Callie Anderson
Best Personality
Jack Walsh and Laken Marshall
Loudest/ Most Outgoing
Toyosi Abu and Delaney Williamson
Class Dad/ Mom
Clay Capenos and Livi Carey
Hardest Worker
Mohith Konduru and Carmela D’Antuono
Chris Retzbach and Anna Hintz
Most Spirited
Tony Suarez and Jenna Hirsch
Most Country
Charlie Actis and Ellie Feaga
Best Laugh
Raj Ukondwa and Meredith Arterburn
Most Likely To Be President
Andrew Choe and Maddy Rothefield