Welcome to Student Services
Your Student Services Team
Kelli Brandt | School Counselor, A - Ci (Instructional Team Leader) | kelli_brandt@hcpss.org
Mindy Hirsch | School Counselor, Cj-Ho | mindy_hirsch@hcpss.org
Rachel Litvin | School Counselor, Hp-Mi | rachel_litvin@hcpss.org
Carolyn Devlin | School Counselor, Mj-Seu | carolyn_devlin@hcpss.org
Steven Burnett, Ed. D. | School Counselor, Sew - Z | steven_burnett@hcpss.org
Angela Freitag | School Psychologist | angela_freitag@hcpss.org (available at GHS on Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Vanessa Hooks | Registrar | vanessa_hooks@hcpss.org
Carrie Repole | Secretary | carrie_repole@hcpss.org
Monique Finch | Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW) | monique_finch@hcpss.org
Kamesha Milton | Black Student Achievement Liaison | kamesha_milton@hcpss.org
Tanya Robinson | Social Worker | la_tanya_robinson@hcpss.org
Lindsay Beil I Career Readiness Advisor I lindsay_beil@hcpss.org
Feel free to call our department directly for immediate assistance at 410-313-5535
Check out the latest news from GHS Student Services in our March/April Newsletter!
Student Services
AP Exam Window 2024-2025
It is recommended that any student taking an AP (Advanced Placement) course take the corresponding AP exam in May. For early planning, families can access the AP exam window to reference the testing dates for spring 2025 through the CollegeBoard website linked here. For all questions, dates, etc. please see your student's AP page on Canvas FIRST. If you still have questions, you can email Christopher_Fox@hcpss.org, our AP Coordinator. What students/families need to know:
- All Communication for APs will be done through Canvas Announcements. Please make sure your notifications are turned on
- Deadline for Sign-up without a late fee is November 8, 2024
- 3 things MUST HAPPEN in order to be registered completely. (This information will be sent out in MANY emails through the year)
- Students will obtain a join code from their AP teacher to use with their College Board account (may have to set a CB account up)
- Select "Confirm Registration" in College Board
- Pay invoice by due date (it does take 24 hours for invoice to be generated, so don't wait until 11/8 to sign up, or your won't receive invoice in time). Step 2 will then generate an invoice emailed to guardian (also in My School Bucks). Invoice payment online is preferred.
Black Student Achievement Program
Through a coordinated system of services, BSAP encourages, promotes and supports access to diverse learning opportunities and social emotional development for Black/African American students in collaboration with teachers, administrators, families and the community.
BSAP October Newsletter - Village Voices
Conexiones (Serving Latino students in Howard County)
Conexiones was established in 2000 as a response to the needs of Hispanic/Latino children in Howard County schools. CONEXIONES has been an advocate for changes in the policies, practices, and personnel of the Howard County Public School System, for the purpose of improving the performance and the educational outcomes for Hispanic students
Course Registration/Selection for the 2024-2025 School Year
High school course selection for the 2024-2025 academic year opened Monday, Dec. 18, 2023. Any student still working on finalizing their course selections for the upcoming school year can reference the google site linked below and should reach out to their designated School Counselor with any questions.
Students who wish to make changes to teacher recommended levels can access the Course Placement Review form below under the Forms section.
2024-2025 Course Registration Google Site
Dual Enrollment/HCC News and Information
Information for Jumpstart/Dual Enrollment can be found on the HCPSS.org website.
Education, Enrichment, Internship, Employment Programs
While searching for and exploring internship/employment opportunities is the sole responsiblilty of the student, the document linked HERE highlights opportunties stubmitted to Central Office. This information is continually updated.
*It is important to note that these programs are not sponsored or endorsed by HCPSS.
Please click on the links below to access commonly requested forms:
Waiver of Rights and Record of Release Form
Jumpstart Release Form (for dual enrolled students only)
Work Release Form (for seniors only)
Course Placement Review Form (for any student wishing to change a teacher recommended course)
HCPSS/Stop Bullying
The Howard County Public School System is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all students. Preventing bullying is an important part of this goal and HCPSS recently launched a new bullying reporting tool that allows students, staff and family members to easily and confidentially report incidents of bullying.
Learners Permit
As part of the process to obtain a Maryland State Learners Permit students must submit a completed Motor Vehicle Administration Verfication form to the MVA when applying for their permit. The form linked below can be completed and taken to the school's attendance secretary for verification.
LGBTQ+ Youth Supports
HCPSS is committed to providing an educational and work environment that is free from discrimination, fosters equitable opportunities, and values diversity and commonality.
Luminus (Immigration Services)
Luminus serves immigrants from more than 90 countries and is well known as the key resource in Central Maryland for New Americans.
New Student Information (Rising 9th graders and Transfer Students)
Welcome to Glenelg High School, we are pleased to have you as part of Glenelg Nation. In hopes of making your transition to Glenelg as smooth as possible, we encourage you click on the links below for information about student and parent/guardian Canvas accounts. Parents and students have access to the Canvas Learning System, which includes the grade book (assignments and assignment scores), as well helpful attendance notifications and so much more.
Click here for the Canvas Student Orientation PowerPoint.
March2TheFuture Workshops (offered to all HCPSS families and all grades)
This series of workshops is developed and facilitated by high school counselors across the county and is intended to introduce student and families (grades 9-12) to the different post-high school pathways after high school. There is no "one size fits all" approach to planning for the future. These events are recorded so all families have access to the information whether they attend on the scheduled date or not. Meeting codes, materials used during the workshops, and all recordings are linked directly back to the document available below.
Click here to access the HCPSS Post-Secondary Planning Series. Check back frequently as this document will be updated with additional events.
Naviance/Family Connection
Naviance is a comprehensive K-12 college and career readiness platform that enables self-discovery, career exploration, academic planning, and college preparation. Naviance is used to help students explore their interests and strengths and develop a course of study that matches long-term goals with an actionable plan. During the summer we encourage students to extensively explore the following topics.
View Roadtrip Nation Video Archive
Explore Careers of interest
Explore Colleges
Review Course Selections and 4 year plan
Review completed assessments for overlapping careers
Parents/Guardians: You have a designated Naviance account, as well, which will allow you to view (only) each of your students' Naviance information, assessments, and activities. To set up your parent account please contact your child's designated counselor to request your personalized registration code. Once you have your code you can access Naviance through the GHS homepage (located at the bottom of the page).
Post High School Planning for Juniors - A Virtual Workshop: Coming Thursday, March 20th at 6:30pm!
Is your student considering applying to a 2-year/4-year college or a trade school after high school? Are they thinking about enlisting in the military? Are they considering working an apprenticeship or going straight into the workforce after graduation? Or maybe they’re exploring several different options. Juniors and their parents/guardians are invited to attend a virtual evening information session to review the tasks required for spring 2025 which support student post high school planning. The PowerPoint used at this event is linked HERE as a resource for students and their families.
Post High School Planning Workshop for Juniors
Thursday, March 20 · 6:30 – 7:30pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/nee-qsvg-erz
Or dial: (US) +1 561-614-1013 PIN: 304 218 909#
*Counselors are presenting this same information to all juniors taking English 11 at GHS through their English class on March 6th and 7th. If you are a junior taking English 11 at HCC you will want to attend this virtual event.
Scholarship Bulletin 2024-2025
Students and their families should check the scholarship bulletins linked below frequently for updates. The Financial Aid and Scholarship Database is updated by the county, while the GHS/Local Scholarships are opportunties for GHS students specifically.
Financial Aid and Scholarship Database
GHS/Local Scholarship Bulletin
Student Service Learning Validation Form
All HCPSS Students must fulfill service learning hours as part of their Maryland state graduation requirements. Hours must be documented on a the Service Validation form linked below and then submitted to the school registrar. If you are unsure how many hours you have remaining to complete, please contact your designated School Counselor.
Transcript Requests
HCPSS Graduates: HCPSS is now using ScribOrder to fulfill all transcript and diploma requests for previous graduates (prior to 2024) as well as graduation and diploma verifications. Requests, verifications, and secure payments are all managed by ScribOrder. Request progress can be tracked after creating your ScribOrder account. To request a transcript, please use the link below. The fees associated are not GHS fees, but those of ScribOrder.
Alumni Transcript/Diploma Request Form
Current GHS students can access their unofficial transcript through their student Synergy account. Current students looking to obtain a copy of their Official High School Transcript should click on the College Planning tab of the Student Services website to review the process for requesting.
Work Permit Info
Work permits can be obtained online at this web address https://www.dllr.state.md.us/childworkpermit