Flavors of the Globe

Flavors of the Globe

Club leaders: Melek Beklevic (President), Laney Hein, Caleb Gebremedhin, and Maia Imani Hanes

Faculty sponsor: Kathryn Delaney (Kathryn_Delaney@hcpss.org)

Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Thursdays at 2:55 in room 140

Club description: Each of our meetings is a journey to a new country or region. We'll dive deep into its culture, history, traditions and its delicious cuisine. We'll bring the flavors of the world to our meeting. We'll order or prepare authentic, traditional dishes from local restaurants and international markets. We are not just about cooking, We watch short films in other languages and engage in fun activities related to the cultures we're exploring like learning traditional dances, listening to music in other languages, and playing traditional games.
