The library media center is a place where every student feels welcome, every student sees themselves represented, and where every student succeeds.
- Teach students the print and digital information literacy and digital citizenship skills to become scholarly, ethical and critical consumers of information.
- Provide access to the highest quality print and multimedia resources, appropriate technologies and innovative instruction so all students may realize their potential and are confident, ethical, responsible and exemplary in their use of information.
- Promote school community members' collaboration opportunities, space and materials to design, invent, and create their own learning, products, and outcomes.
Library Promotions, Check-outs & Information:
Library Media Specialists:
Ms. Dawn Currie-Scott
Ms. Aimee Hocker
Check out policy: Students and staff may check out five items for two weeks and renew check-outs as needed.
Hours: Normally we are open 7:40 am - 3:30 pm or as late as 4 pm or 5 pm if the library media specialists can stay late. Check with us!
Visits to the Library during class time: The library is an academic space with classes visiting all periods of the day, therefore unaccompanied students may come before school, during lunches, Glad Time, and after school to complete assignments and read.
Community, Student & Staff Resources:
Procedures & Instructional Technology:
- American Association of School Librarians Library Media Standards
- APA / MLA Style & Citation guides - Purdue OWL
- eBooks & Audio Books
Use school computer login username and password on all login screens. - GHS Print Books "PAC"
Use school computer login username and password on all login screens. - Research Databases & more through MackinVia
Use school computer login username and password on all login screens. - Student Book Club
- Announcements Scrolling & Show Submissions:
- The student-centered Announcements Show provides brief, positive highlight and event announcements from the GHS school community delivered by awesome occasional volunteer student and staff anchors.
- Slides submitted by COB Friday should air on Tuesdays following production on Mondays.
Slides submitted by COB Wednesday should air on Fridays following production on Thursdays. - Make a contribution to this school community platform! See below:
- Staff enter your scrolling announcement slides! (Staff only GSuite).
- Include the Who, What, Where, When and Why details of your event or announcement so students and families can contact you with questions and know what to do or what is needed when and where!
- Tip: Upload solely an image of your PPT slide, Google Slides slide, or event flier so no other staff member accidentally edits your slide or changes your slide theme colors.
- Students: Want something added to the announcements? Contact a staff club or activity sponsor to add content. Make a contribution to the platform! Be and provide the change you want to see!
- New staff: Click to request access or contact Ms. C-S or Ms. Hocker. Community member? Please call 410-313-5528 to speak to the principal and/or to view the HCPSS Announcements Policy.
- HCPSS Digital Tools Menu
- Library Reservations 24-25 (Staff only>GSuite).
- When making a reservation, be sure to add your last name and subject/topic information in the date and period block spaces for your classes. Only enter and delete your own reservations for up to five consecutive days.
- Media LCD Projectors - Connect Wirelessly!
- SAM - Student & Staff password reset HCPSS Instruction Tab link - Directions document (>GSuite, anyone can view)
- Technology repairs and troubleshooting:
- Tech Schedule - Chris Fox III visits weekly as needed/possible
- Enter repair tickets here: Tech Dept Web Help Desk:
- Enter your school AD login (your school computer login)
- Can only be completed while on the school network!! Especially include:
- Type of repair: Computer? A/V? Wifi? etc....
- Be specific about what is wrong
- Serial number, HCPSS Inventory Tag number, make & model
- Your room number
- Or call the Tech Dept x.7004 to have repair tickets entered
- Provide specific details, serial number, make, model, and the silver HCPSS Inventory tag number on the device