Course Registration/Selection for 2020-2021

On January 7th, students will receive information and training on how to request courses for the 2020-2021 school year. The course registration/course selection process is online through your student’s Synergy account.  All students must choose 7 courses or courses equaling 7.0 credits and 3 alternate courses for next year. All students must enter their course requests online by January 17th.  If a student has any questions, he/she should email his/her counselor or stop by Student Services to make an appointment prior to January 17th. 

We encourage all families to talk with their students about their course requests and choose the classes together. Please visit the following link to view the course catalog for the 2020-2021 school year: It is important to find balance in your schedule for in and out of school activities.  It is also important to choose courses that are of interest to you and can support you in the path you choose for the future. We always encourage students to challenge themselves with Honors, GT and AP courses where appropriate.  However, students should be aware that any AP level class is a college level course, and is very rigorous.  Students need to make deliberate decisions about how many GT/AP classes to take each year, as well as how much work they can handle.  Students should strive to create balance in their life in order to reduce stress, while still choosing an academically rigorous schedule.

If there needs to be a change to a teacher-recommended course, the student and his/her parent/guardian must complete the Course Placement Review online through the parent/guardian’s HCPSS Connect account by January 17th. 

To learn more about Glenelg, what our school community offers, and the scheduling process for the next school year, new students and families are invited to attend our Scheduling and Information Night on January 6th at 6:30 pm in the Auditorium. 

Please contact your student’s counselor should you have additional questions about course selection.

A – E                Ms. Kelli Brandt

F– L                 Ms. Mindy Hirsch

M – Sc              Ms. Carolyn Devlin

Sd – Z              Dr. Steven Burnett