Senior Diploma Distribution, June 1, 2020

We will be having our diploma distribution on Monday, June 1, 2020, from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. Students will need to be present to receive their diploma and senior packet.

The details are outlined below. Please read carefully and make sure that you check off everything you need to do. Your help will ensure that this process runs smoothly.

Students will need to bring any remaining GHS and HCPSS property.

  • Classroom and Media books
  • Music uniforms and equipment
  • Athletic uniforms
  • Chromebooks.

Also, please make sure you also return all items that were worn for the virtual graduation. If you paid for these items, you do not need to return them.

  • Cords
  • Stoles
  • Kente Cloths
  • AP Medals, cords and stoles
  • Or other items worn

Students and families will arrive at the scheduled time (listed below).

  • For arrival, drivers will access the baseball parking lot using Burntwoods Road. (see diagram below)
  • For departure, drivers will need to depart at Sharp Road (see diagram below)
  • We are asking that all drivers follow safe and courteous rules of the road.

This process will take some time and it is critical that everyone is patient and follows traffic directions.

  • One vehicle per household will be permitted. We encourage a parent driver so that the student is available to participate in each station.
  • Vehicle occupants must remain in their car at all times.
  • On the passenger side windshield, please post students FIRST AND LAST NAME and APPOINTMENT TIME (listed below), in large readable print on 8x10 paper securely, when you arrive for your designated time (see times below).
  • Upon arrival at the school, drivers must follow the established traffic pattern to avoid traffic backing up on Sharp Road and Burntwoods Road
    • Station 1 Check-In
    • Station 2 Item Return Drop off (if needed)
    • Station 3: Diploma and packet pick up.
      • Students and families are asked to wear face masks and gloves during your time as you drive through each of the stations.
      • Students should arrive at assigned times based on their last name:

Groups of 45 (1 vehicle per family)

  • 1-hour appointment blocks
  • 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM


Diploma Distribution and Item Return on June 1, 2020, from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm

  • 8:00 am - 9:00 am - Last Names, Abu - Curtis, N.
  • 9:05 am - 10:05 am  - Last Names, Curtis, T. - Hensen
  • 10:10 am - 11:10 am - Last Names, Herboldt - Livensparger
  • 11:15 am - 12:15 pm -  Last Names, Lodin - Park, S.
  • 12:20 pm  - 1:20 pm - Last Names, Parks - Sills
  • 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - Last Names, Silverman - Zhang
  • 2:30 pm  - 3:30 pm - Any students who missed their scheduled appointment time