Gifted and Talented Research Program Parent Information Night: Now Virtual on January 6, 2022

In the interest of the health and well-being of our Glenelg community, the GT Research program and the administration have decided to ask our families to join us virtually for the Gifted and Talented Parent Information night originally scheduled in the auditorium on January 6 at 7:00 pm. We apologize for the short notice about the change, and we're grateful for you and your patience.

The GT Research Leadership Team, which consists of four outstanding seniors, will share information about the course curriculum for the two classes that make up the Gifted and Talented Research Program: Independent Research and Mentorship.

Join us on January 6, 2022, to learn about the research tasks and objectives, the various opportunities for off-site learning and internships, and the incredible contributions to our world made by former students in the program. Meet Ms. Leila Chawkat, our GT Research teacher, and ask questions of the members of the Leadership Team about their research and internship experiences.  


Students can take two courses in the GT Research program:

  • Independent Research for underclassmen; students self-select topics, design thesis statements, cultivate sources, collect and interpret original data, and share the conclusions in a paper, presentation, and product. See the application here. It's due February 7, 2022.
  • GT Mentorship for upperclassmen; students pair the research course curriculum (students self-select topics, design thesis statements, cultivate sources, collect and interpret original data, and share the conclusions in a paper, presentation, and product) with an internship which offers a chance to work side-by-side with a professional in the field. See the application here. It's due February 7, 2022.