Student Services News March 22, 2019

                                                                  STUDENT SERVICES NEWS

                                                                         March 22, 2019


Military Information Night

April 9, 2019        6:30 – 9:00 pm      Oakland Mills High School

HCPSS students in grades 7-12 who are interested in collegiate and U.S. Military programs and their parents are invited.

The following groups will offer information about their programs:

Representatives from five military academies
College ROTC programs
Members of the Howards County JROTC programs from Atholton, Howard and Oakland Mills high schools
Military enlistment recruiters
Representatives from local congressional offices and the U.S. military academies also will provide information about academy nomination and application processes.


For more information, contact Donna Uekermann at

A Howard County Public School System sponsored event


Employees of 2019 Graduates May Present Diplomas! 

All current, permanent HCPSS staff members who are parents/guardians of graduating seniors may present the diploma to their child(ren) at their commencement ceremony. Those who wish to do so must notify Tenille Wagoner, Principal’s Secretary by Wednesday, April 24.


Youth Opportunities Fair

Explore       Experience            Excel

Saturday, March 23, 2019      11:00 am  - 2:00 pm

Free Event For 14 – 24 year olds

Long Reach High School

6101 Old Dobbin Lane

Columbia, MD 21045


Find your opportunity…

The Door is Open

Youth Opportunities Fair

Connecting youth and young adults ages 14 to 24 with leadership, volunteer, recreational and job opportunities.  Meet with program providers and learn about great things to do in Howard County.  Parents and siblings are also welcome to attend.  Career readiness and resume-building workshops will be available.


So Much to Do!

Dynamic Demos
Powerful Presentations
Great Giveaways


Get Connected to


Job Opportunities
And More

For more information, contact: Kori D. Jones, 410-313-0039 or Jermira Sarratt, 410-290-2623


The Apprenticeship Maryland Program (AMP)

The Apprenticeship Maryland Program is for seniors, ages 16 and up, who are interested in employment and further education based on a career pathway in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) related fields as well as traditional occupations.  Students interview with approved employers for an opportunity to participate  in a paid, supervised and structured, on the job training program.


Students will enter the workforce while still in High School

Earn a Salary

Gain marketable industry skills

Be assigned a highly skilled mentor

Receive a State Skill Certificate from the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation DLLR

To Find out more Info  check out

If you are interested in enrollign the the Apprenticeship Maryland Academy, please complete the student form at


Volunteer Opportunity:

Event Name: Spring Festival

Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Event Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Volunteer Arrival Time: 8:00 am

Volunteer Departure Time: 1:00 pm

Number of Volunteers Needed: 20

Location: Elkridge 50+ Center & Library

Location Address: 6540 Washington Blvd., Elkridge, MD 21075

Responsibilities: Help hide Easter eggs, assist children with finding eggs, organize and manage games, other responsibilities as needed.

Split shifts available: No

Food available for volunteers: Yes

What to wear: Dress for weather; comfortable shoes

NHS/SSL Hours Available: Yes

Registration deadline: Tuesday, April 9th, 2019 Email to register:

Event Coordinator: Jeanne Slater, 410-313-5174 or 410-499-6885


Looking for something new and different to do during Spring Break?  Still need to meet your service learning requirements?  Do you enjoy being outside in nature?  Are you converned about the environment?  If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, join

Alternative Spring Break

Howard Eco Works

April 12-22, 2019

Alternative Spring break is an opportunity to volunteer to help the environment, meet new friends while giving back to the community. 

Select which days you would like to work.  Hours are 9 am to 3:00 pm. Full day is required.  Work outdoors in vary weather conditions.  Moderate physical lobor is required.  Time can be used for service learning requirements.  To register and for additional information, please visit our website:  www.howardecoworks/alternative-spring-break or contact Brooke Abercrombie at

Howard EcoWorks Alternative Spring Break 2019 is neither sponsored nor endorsed  by HCPSS nor the school.


Attention Seniors!

There are a number of new scholarships available through Student Services at Glenelg High School.  The most current ones are listed below.  See your counselor if you have questions.



March 2019 General and Local Scholarship Updates 


The Howard County Professional Fire Fighters Association, IAFF Local 2000 is pleased to announce they will provide a $500 scholarship for a graduating senior from each of our Howard County public high schools.  This scholarship is geared to help the “average” student who displays exceptional qualities and effort rather than being an award for the highest grades or sports aptitude.  Any student who has attained a 2.5 grade average in their senior year and a minimum SAT score of 900 will be welcome to participate by submitting an application.  Applications are available in Student Services.  Entries must be postmarked no later than

April 1, 2019.  Entries shall be submitted to:

Howard County Professional Fire Fighters

ATTN: Scholarship Committee

5397 Twin Knolls Rd. Suite 16

Columbia, MD. 21045


Mt. Airy Lions Club Scholarship ($500)

The Mt. Airy Lions Club is again offering scholarships to Seniors at Glenelg High School, South Carroll High School, Linganore High School, and the Mt. Airy Christian School.  The scholarships, in the amount of $500 each, are to be awarded to four students from each school who are planning to attend a two (2) year college or trade school. 

To apply, the student should write a letter to the Mt. Airy Lions Club, c/o Denny Ahalt, Scholarship Chairman, P.O. Box 53, Mount Airy, MD 21771.  In that letter, please state your need for the scholarship, your course of study and what the acquired knowledge will be used for upon graduation.  All letters must be received prior to May 1, 2019.


Matthew Cheswick Memorial Scholarship Award ($1,000)

Matthew Cheswick, a 2008 Glenelg Graduate, was an individual with an infectious smile and a good heart.  He is remembered for his many random acts of kindness and for the good citizen that he was.  This $1,000 scholarship has been established to remember him and his compassion for helping others.  It will be awarded to a student who also has the same characteristics.  An essay explaining your philosophy on the importance of helping others with examples, and how this scholarship would assist you in college/career goals is part of the application process.  Applications are available in Glenelg High Student Services.  Completed applications must be submitted to Mrs. Hirsch in Student Services by April 10, 2019.


Ryan Conley Memorial Scholarship

Ryan Conley, a junior at Glenelg High School in 2007, was tragically killed in a sledding accident.  He spent many hours volunteering and assisting those in need.  This $1,000 scholarship is intended to reward an “unsung hero” who works quietly and consistently behind the scenes for the betterment of his/her community.  Applications are available in Student Services.  Completed applications must be submitted to Mrs. Hirsch by April 10, 2019.  


Brandon Joseph Reese Memorial Scholarship

Brandon Reese, a 2016 Glenelg High School graduate was everyone’s “best friend”.  He was the person who always made people feel good about themselves, understood and celebrated individual’s uniquenesses and was always ready to lend a listening ear.  He was an active member of the Glenelg High wrestling team, school choir and Best Buddies Program.  This scholarship has been established to remember him and his compassion for helping others.  It will be awarded to a student who portrays the same attributes.  Applications are available in Student Services.  Completed applications must be submitted to Mrs. Hirsch in Student Services by April 10, 2019. 


Olivia Paregol Memorial Scholarship  Olivia Paregol was a 2018 graduate of Glenelg High School and well known as the person who naturally connected with the newly transferred students, and those who might have been on the fringes of popularity, or who might have been perceived to be different from other classmates.  This scholarship in her honor creates a very “Olivia way” of selecting scholarship award.   The application involves a recommendation from a Glenelg teacher and an essay.  More details are available in Student Services.  Applications must be submitted to Glenelg High School Student Services by April 10, 2019.

It is the mission of the Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce (“Chamber”) to promote business and professional services in the greater Mount Airy, Maryland area. To further our mission, the Chamber has allotted $2,500 for a scholarship (“Scholarship”) to be awarded to a select student.  An additional scholarship(s) totaling up to $6,000 may be awarded at the discretion of the Chamber. The award is an outright gift, not a loan to be repaid or a salary to be earned by performing certain duties.  It will be awarded as a onetime payment made directly to the institution of acceptance upon presentment to the Chamber of evidence of registration at a qualified educational institution.*  The Scholarship is a onetime gift and is not renewable in subsequent years, however, students my reapply regardless of previous award.  Though it is expected that a student will be chosen to receive the Scholarship, the Chamber may choose to not make an award in any given year.  The Scholarship is not intended merely to further the education of an aspiring student, but to recognize and assist those students who share the vision and values of the Chamber and show potential of contributing to the greater Mount Airy community.  The scholarship is available at

All applications must be postmarked on or before April 13, 2019


Rodney Williams Memorial Scholarship

Honoring the loving memory of a dear friend, colleague and school counselor for his 18 years of unparalleled devotion, care, compassion and committed guidance and friendship to all students and staff.  Rodney will be remembered for eternity in the hearts of his students and colleagues because he touched so many lives.  This scholarship aims to recognize a student who exemplifies the spirit and faith of Rodney Williams.  More details are available in student services.


PTA Council of Howard County is proud to offer scholarships to Howard County School Seniors for the 2019-2020 school year.

The principle aim of this scholarship program is to offer financial support to Howard County high school senior students and to encourage serious and deserving students to continue their studies in a junior/community college, four year college/university, or a technical trade school after high school graduation. This a one-year non-renewable grant. 

There are four different scholarships offered and they can be viewed on our website:

Academic Scholarship - $1,000

Teacher Education Scholarship  - $1,000

Dr. Charles Ecker Scholarship for Community Service - $500

M. Thomas Goedeke Scholarship for trade, technical education or Community College - $500

Scholarship awards may be applied toward tuition, fees, books or other costs directly related to educational needs.  The application process is now open and may be obtained in Student Services or at  Applications are due by April 6, 2019. 


Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished American, Inc.

Students enrolling in Career and Technical Education programs for Fall 2018 are invited to apply for the Horatio Alger Association Career & Technical Scholarship Program.  This program provides financial assistance to students throughout the nation who have financial need and have exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity.  More information is available at  The Association will award 1020 scholarships in 2018 with a maximum award amount of $2,500 depending on the cost of the program and need of the student.    Students may apply online at  The first priority deadline will be June 15, 2019.



Aronson/Willis Memorial Award

The Professional Staff of Howard County General Hospital is again sponsoring the Aronson/Willis Memorial Award.  The award is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Barry Aronson and Dr. Eugene (Pebble) Willis, fellow members of the Professional Staff, who were enthusiastic supporters of school athletes. 


This year, the Professional Staff is pleased to announce that two individual $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to one graduating male and one graduating female chosen.

Criteria for the award are:

1)      The application must be completed by the applicant and returned to the Office of Medical Staff Administration no later than Friday, March 29, 2019.

2)      A letter of recommendation directed to the Aronson/Willis Memorial Award Committee from someone knowledgeable of the applicant’s academic and sports abilities must accompany the application.

Applicants must have participated in at least two varsity sports while maintaining the highest grade point average.

Applications are available in Student Services.


Visionary Integration Professionals (VIP), a leading performance delivery and technology consulting firm that helps organizations better align strategy to execution, is pleased to announce it is accepting applications for the 12th annual Women in Technology Scholarship (WITS) program. Over the past decade, VIP has been proud to support over 100 women as they pursue a career in select technology fields.


WITS offers multiple scholarships to women pursuing a career in computer science, information technology (IT), management information systems, or another related field. Applicants must be enrolled at, or accepted to, a two or four-year college or university in the United States for the 2019 Fall semester.


Candidates will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Academic Performance
Applicant Summary
Community Service and Extracurricular Activities
Leadership Experience and Qualities 

The deadline for submission is April 15th, 2019.   Applications are available in Student Services.




The Champions Against Cancer Foundation has established six $2,500 Spirit Award Scholaships scholarship to support the financial needs of graduating high school seniors whose lives have been affected by cancer. The awards seek to honor the spirit, positivity, sharp mind and determination that John displayed during his life and his 10-month battle with lymphoma. Scholarship award amounts will be between $250 and $1,000 each.

Applicants must be a Maryland High School Students in the graduating class of 2019 who will be attending a two or four year college.  Those who qualify may have experienced hardships such as being a cancer survivor or caregiver for someone with cancer, or a relative of a person with cancer.

For further information about the ZACF and specifically the Spirit Award Scholarship visit 

Applications are due no later than April 1, 2019.


The Howard County Striders' David Tripp Scholar/Athlete awards program has been in existence for more than 25 years. The criteria include excellence and achievement in the classroom and in running related athletics. The intention is to recognize both male and female winners as well as runners-up, provided there are deserving candidates. Only Howard County residents, who are graduating seniors from a high school in Howard County are eligible. These awards are based on four years of achievements, and are not based on need. 

In 2018, the striders awarded $6,500 in “Trip” grants.   There are no restrictions on the number of winners that can come from any one school.  Applications and Suggestions and Guidelines are available at  Application deadline is April 10, 2019.


Columbia, MD members of the Links Incorporated Scholarships

Two different scholarships will be awarded.

A student planning to attend a Historically Black College or University (four-year award for $2,500 each year, for a total of $10,000).

A student for a Howard County student attending a four year college or university other than a Historically Black College or University in the amount of $2,500 – renewable for three subsequent years for $2,500 he student meets the scholarship requirements  Completed scholarships applications must be returned The Columba Chapter of Links, Inc. by April 1, 2019.  More details and applications are available in Student Services.


Continental Societies, Inc. National Scholarship

Columbia, Maryland Chapter, Eastern Region

Continental Societies, Inc. is a national organization whose purpose is to promote the economic, educational and social welfare of underserved and disadvantaged children and youth; to enhance their recreational activities; and to promote additional experiences necessary for their optimal development.  The organization awards five scholarships to deserving young people – one in each of the four regions of the Societies, and one National recipient.  Each applicant must submit a minimum 500 word essay.  Applications and more details are available in Student Services.  Applications must be typed and submitted Tressie Rooks, Scholarship Chairperson, 10205 Wincopin Circle, Unit #411,Columbia, MD 21044.  Scholarships are awarded in June.  More information and applications are available in Student Services.  Completed applications must be submitted by April 1, 2019.


Scholarships for Jewish Students

Check out funds available to Jewish students for the 2019-2020 school year.  View eligibility requirement and apply at


The Charles Crane Foundation Scholarships for Jewish Studies – up to $5,000.  For students pursuing undergraduate or graduate Jewish studies full time in Israel and in the U. S.


Jewish Community Services Scholarships for High School Seniors

For students from the Baltimore Metro area planning to attend an accredited U.S. college or university.  Funds are available for students from single parent homes and students who have a diagnosed learning disability.


The Lessans Family Scholarships

For graduating high school seniors planning to attend an accredited U.S. college or university and who demonstrate financial need.



4 County Lions Club Scholarship

Winners will be chosen based on GPA, need, recommendation, attitude, school and community involvement. A personal statement is part of the application. More details and applications are available in Student Services.  The application deadline is March 31, 2019.