Weekly News Student Services 1-21-22

Student Services News and New Scholarships January 2022

Student Services News

Student Services News and New Scholarships

January 21, 2022


March2Future- Financial Aid Information Session

January 26 at 7pm

Presenter:  Ben Zimmitti, UMBC Financial Aid

Zoom Link:   https://hcpss.zoom.us/j/92502603112

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Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA.

In this workshop, presenters will go over all factors related to financial aid, including how aid is determined, what a FAFSA is, the differences between loans and scholarships, and how best to access money for college.


Looking Ahead:

February 2nd

March2Future-  Standardized Testing:  ACT, SAT, PSAT, AP

Presenter:  Rebecca Mason from ScoreMoreTestPrep

Zoom Link:  https://hcpss.zoom.us/j/96061801428

The world of standardized testing is extensive and confusing.  This session will cover all of the tests students will encounter to prepare for post-high school and help parents and students understand how to prepare.


Howard Community College Events

Attached is a flyer of upcoming events hosted by HCC. Please review the flyer to see if any of the opportunities apply to you!

Highlights for all students:

Dual Enrollment Info Session (including spring 2022 registration support)

Bright Minds Foundation Info Session (discover if you're eligible for financial assistance with the cost of dual enrollment/books/fees)

Highlights for seniors:

Information sessions on how to apply to HCC

Freshman Focus Flash Chats

Learn more about HCC's Honors program



January 2022 Events Flyer.pdf


New Scholarship Opportunities






The Bowen Leadership Group (www.bowenldrgroup.weebly.com) is a non-profit organization established in 2014 by Lieutenant Colonel Calvert L. Bowen, III (TrIIIp), Wilde Lake Class of 1983, in recognition of the 50 years of leadership and service provided by his mother, Rosalie Arcuri Bowen, to the students and instructional staffs of the Howard County Public School System from 1968 until her retirement in 2014. 


The Bowen Leadership Group will award five “at large” scholarships to the best qualified candidates from applications from Howard County high schools.  Candidate applications are assessed for outstanding academic performance in high school and leadership in school and community activities. In 2021, we had 9 “at large” applications from three schools and awarded three scholarships. Each of those applications was very compelling and the competition was fierce. I am writing to ask for your assistance in advertising the Bowen Leadership Group scholarship application for 2022 to your students. This year, our application is entirely online through Google Forms, so students will receive a private link to the application once they notify us of their intent to apply via email to bowenldrgroup@verizon.net . The Application Window closes at midnight on 28 February 2022.


The primary goal of the Bowen Leadership Group is to recognize graduating high school students in Howard County, Maryland who have demonstrated excellence in both academic and leadership experiences. We are looking for tomorrow's leaders as they move from high school into post-secondary education opportunities.


Each year, the Bowen Leadership Group awards two $500 scholarships at Wilde Lake and Oakland Mills High Schools; one for the best qualified female and male graduate from each school.  Beginning in 2019, the Bowen Leadership Group expanded its reach across Howard County with the addition of one $500 "At Large" scholarship to the best qualified graduating student-leaders from Howard County high schools. For 2022, we will award five "At Large" scholarships to the three highest rated applications.


Eligibility and selection criteria will be published with the annual Scholarship Application announcement. The Scholarship Committee is composed of a selection of current, former, and retired educators and students from Howard County high schools. More details are available on the Scholarship page.


Interested students should send an email to BowenLdrGroup@verizon.net  indicating their intent to apply for the scholarship. Once that email is received, they will be sent a private link to the Application.


Additional information is available at https://bowenldrgroup.weebly.com/ and  https://www.facebook.com/BowenLdrGroup

 Calvert L. Bowen, III

President and CEO


  [BLG Logo 5 crop]



Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City Our Kiwanis club is seeking applicants for the 2021 - 2022 Teenager of the Year Award.


The purpose of this award is to give recognition to deserving teenagers for their academic achievements, citizenship, service to their school and community, growth and responsibility in his/her family unit, character, and leadership performance. The Teenager of the Year Award welcomes applications from young people between the ages of 13 and 18. While we are soliciting nominations for this award locally, our club winner will progress through competition at other regional levels.


There is a small cash award for our local Teenager of the Year awardee. The overall winner at the regional level will be awarded the title of 2021 - 2022 Capital District Teenager of the Year, a cash award of $2,500, and a trip with their parents or guardians to the Kiwanis District Convention in Baltimore, Maryland this August 19-22, 2022.


The online application is live now and will be accepting submissions through 5:00 p.m. on February 01, 2022. The application is extensive and there are guidelines applicants must adhere to. Please encourage the students you work with to apply. Remind them to select "Ellicott City" when prompted to identify their local Kiwanis club. Our club would love to see many applications submitted for our consideration this year.  


Again, the application can be found here: https://k03.site.kiwanis.org/teenager-of-the-year/.


Thank you for distributing this information to your students. We hope to have many candidates from Howard County Public Schools. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know! 


Josh Hiscock 

Chairperson, Service Leadership Programs Committee 

Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City 


The Montgomery General Hospital Women’s Board are once again offering a scholarship opportunity for high school seniors pursuing a degree in the healthcare field.  Twenty-one scholarships, amounting to $80,250 were awarded last year.  In 2022 awards will range from $500 to $4,000.

The Women’s Board is a volunteer service organization that has provided support to the original Montgomery General Hospital, ow know as the MedStar Montgomery Medical Center since 1919.

The 2022 Scholarship Program opened on Wednesday, December 15, 2021.  And, closes on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 5:00 pm.  For more information and to apply go to: https://www.medstarhealth.org/philanthropy/get-involved/medstar-montgomery-medical-center-womens-board-scholarship-program


The Howard County Foundation for Black Educational and Cultural Achievement, Inc. is inviting graduating African American seniors who are residents of Howard County, Maryland to apply for its scholarship. Student applicants will be required to submit documentation to support their eligibility. This will include an essay, letters of recommendation (2) and an official transcript. The filing deadline is 

March 15,2022.


Links to the application, criteria, and photo release can be found at our website HCFBECA.org.


Please feel free to contact the Scholarship Committee should you have questions about the application process or questions about our organization at scholarshiphcfbeca@gmail.com.


Ms.Rose Waters, Chairman Scholarship Committee



Sander Cohen Scholarship  The retired Superintendent of the Maryland State Police asked us to advertise a scholarship.   Sander Cohen, a deputy fire marshal was killed in the line of duty. As an only child, his parents have set up a scholarship foundation in his name for high school and undergraduate students who plan to pursue a career in fire, police, or EMS.  This year they expect to give away 20 scholarships.

 The application can be found here.



Pull the APPLY menu down to see the application.



Gettysburg College Third Annual Georges Lieber Essay Contest on Resistance

Offered by the Gettysburg College Jewish Studies committee.


First Prize: $1,000, Second Prize: $500, Third Prize: $300, Two Honorable Mentions: $200

Eligibility:  Registered High School students – first year through senior-during the Spring 2022 Semester

Essay: Articulate an issue on or of resistance that you have encountered and analyze what it has taught you about resistance and yourself.  Note that the most engaging essays often reflect deeply on a partcularly meaningful experience or episode in one’s life. 

Format:  In 2,000 words, you are encouraged to raise questions, single out issues, and identify dilemmas involving resistance.

Deadline:  4:00 pm EST March 25, 2022

Submission:  email your essay with “Georges Lieber” as the subject to the Jewish Studies Committee at Gettysburg College:  gettysburgcollegejewishstudies@gmail.com

More details are available in Student Services.


Masonic Charities of Maryland, Inc. Waverly Lodge 152 AF & AM   Scholarships of $500 are awarded to students pursuing a post-secondary education in a two- or four-year college or vocational training school. The $500 recipients can then go on to compete for awards from $1,500-$7,000,  Applications will be judged on participation and leadership roles in community and school activities, personal resume, academic record, financial need , References/Recommendations and overall neatness of application.  The Lodge Grand Selection Committee will choose finalists.  Applications are available in Student Services.  Completed applications must be given to Mrs. Miles in Student Services before March 1, 2022.


On behalf of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, State of Maryland, we would like to invite your high school graduating seniors to apply for the Issie Jenkins Scholarship. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, was founded on five principles, one of which is scholarship.

The scholarship is named in honor of sorority member, Ms. Issie Jenkins, Esq. Ms. Jenkins excelled in her profession at a time when women represented less than 3% of law students in the country. Ms. Jenkins also established our sorority’s National Education Foundation, a 501c 3 entity of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.

Applications are available in Student Services.  Or copy and paste this address to your https://hcpss-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/smiles_hcpss_org/EUL2R0zJFTpCkRqC3HmlLewBWYTU6oNaJEIlUfHDvVLKXA?e=Tg5uhkbrowser to open the application.

The application is open to both male and female students with at least a 3.0 cumulative, unweighted GPA.

Any questions regarding the scholarship application, please email Ms. Karen Parham, Scholarship Coordinator, at IssieJenkinsScholarship@zphibmaryland.org. You may also call her at 443-570-4774.

The application deadline is Saturday, February 19, 2022. We will recognize awardees at our State Leadership Conference Luncheon on Saturday, March 19, 2022, in Linthicum Heights, Maryland.

Traci LM Dula, Ph.D.

Genesis 22:8 God will provide



Hamilton Relay $500 Scholarship Available for High School Seniors

The Hamilton Relay Scholarship opportunity is available to high school seniors who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or have difficulty  speaking.  Hamilton Relay selects a recipient within each of the states where Hamilton is the contracted Telecommunication Relay Service and/or Captioned Telephone service provider. 

To apply, visit www.HamiltonRelay.com today!

Copy and Paste this web address to your browser to read flyer about the scholarship



Copy and Paste this web address to your browser to get the application.



Landau Apparel is honored to inform your institution of our 2022 Amaze Yourself Scholarship. As you know, the importance and necessity of healthcare providers has been made clear. They have amazed us all! The Amaze Yourself Scholarship is determined to support an amazing, new generation of healthcare professionals dedicated to making a positive social impact by way of healing.

Please share this amazing opportunity with your students who are pursuing a science/healthcare related field. It is their chance to receive up to $2,500 (1st), $1,500 (2nd), $1,000 (3rd) in scholarship money OR a Landau prize package (4th - 28th). The top scholarship winner will receive 4 packages a year from Landau that will be tailored to their needs as a student. Communication will need to stay open with the Landau team to ensure they are fully prepared to take on each chapter of academic pursuits.


This year, students can apply by submitting a video OR social post where they answer our prompts and tell us how amazing they are. Read about last year's recipients and see what their submission videos looked like here: 2021 Amaze Yourself Scholarship Recipient. **Please inform your students soon since the scholarship is now open and its deadline is April 29, 2022, 11 AM CST.**


For more details on eligibility, required components, and how to apply, refer to the links below. I have also included a link to our scholarship flyer you can send to your schools for them to share with seniors or on their websites.


Scholarship Link: https://www.landau.com/scholarship

Scholarship Flyer: Download 2022 Amaze Yourself Scholarship Flyer


 If you have any questions please email us at marketing@landau.com.

Ana Rico Granados

Marketing Specialist, Landau Apparel