Student Services News October 22, 2019


October 22, 2019



Student Services in partnership with the English Department will be hosting another College Essay Workshops to help you prepare the essay component of your college applications.  The workshops will be held after school in the media center: 

October 23, 2019:       2:10-3:30 pm

If you are interested in getting assistance with your college essay drafts, please sign up in Naviance under the "Colleges" tab and then under "view all upcoming college visits."  The workshop is included in the list of college visits. 

        Please bring a draft essay to the workshop with you.  There will be English teachers as well as college admissions representatives available to work one-on-one with you.  

        Feel free to stop by Student Services or talk to Mrs. Ohanian in the English hallway if you have any questions!


Attention Seniors

College Reps are calling daily to set up times to meet with students in Student Services who are interested in meeting with them to find out more about their schools.  Check Naviance often to see which schools have scheduled a time.  Sign up to meet with them if interested.  

It is your responsibility to note your scheduled visit dates and time in your agenda book.  Then, come to Student Services for your scheduled visit.  Reminder passes are not sent.  Below is a list of the schools that have signed up to come to Student Services soon.

San Diego State University   Oct. 23  9:00

Christopher Newport University   Oct. 23   9:30

Villanova University   Oct. 23   1:00

Purdue University   Oct. 24   8:00

Mt. St. Mary's University   Oct. 24   9:00

Messiah College   Oct. 25   8:00

Dickinson College   Oct. 28   11:45

Springfield College   Oct. 29   9:30

Dickinson College   Oct. 29   11:45

Rider University   Oct. 30   8:00

Global Network Academy of Technology   Oct. 30   10:00

University of Tennessee   Nov. 5   1:00

Louisiana State University   Nov. 11   8:00

Millersville University of PA   Nov. 11   11:00

Howard Community College   Nov. 15   9:30

Howard Community College   Dec. 4   9:30


The U.S. Census Bureau is looking for temporary employees to fill a number of Census job opportunities in Howard County supporting the 2020 Census.  These jobs will all be on a part-time, temporary basis and the only requirement to apply are that candidates are at least18 years old and US Citizens.  Work hours and schedules are very flexible and the pay for this area is a minimum of $21.00 per hour.

Citizens are encouraged to complete their forms online rather than by mail.  So, along with the need for traditional census takers working door to door, it is likely staff will also be located with public internet access to assist people in completing forms.  The intent is to hire staff to work within their own neighborhoods whenever possible.  High school seniors who will be 18 by March/April 2020 are good candidates for this opportunity.

If you are interested applying,  go to:


Volunteer Opportunity

I am contacting you on behalf of the Ellicott City Partnership in the hopes that your students would like to help us out in different capacities; as a small local business community we find we often have events where we can use volunteer assistance coupled with youthful enthusiasm..

We are currently in search of responsible students who would each don his/her Halloween costume and help hand out candy in front of the still-boarded-up and vacant buildings on Main Street - the candy will be provided - from 4pm - 6pm on Thursday, October 31st.  Volunteers should plan to arrive at about 3:30pm at Taylor's Collective for assignments and candy cache.

We have many town events in Old Ellicott City and there will be additional opportunities soon:  carollers, musicians, street performers, graphic designers, artists ... we can always use talented helpers!

Community Service hours could certainly be earned in this way and of course, you would earn our appreciation as well!   Please let me know if you have students who may be interested in working with us on this event and perhaps again in the future.

Cindi Ryland, Member, Ellicott City Partnership, Manager, Taylor's Collective:  Antiques, Art, Artisans

President, Retropolitan