Student Services News December 10, 2019

                                                                                      STUDENT SERVICES NEWS

                                                                                           December 10, 2019

Glenelg High School will be offering the ASVAB Test on Tuesday December 17th.  

Deadline to sign up for it is Friday, December 13, 2019

It will run from 7:25 through the end of 3rd period. There is a small subset of students (40 max) that will be taking the exam. If more than 40 students sign up to take the ASVAB a second testing section may be offered sometime after midterms. Interested students should sign up in Student Services or see Mr. Aldrich or one of the other technology teachers before Friday December 13th.  All 11th and 12th graders are invited to take the test.  But, registration is required by December 13.

WHAT is the ASVAB Test? A test of one’s individual strengths and weaknesses as it pertains to real life experience or possible future military experience.  

WHERE?   Room 171, Foundations Of Technology Computer Lab

WHEN?   Dec 17th, Periods 1-3

How?  Sign up before December 13th with Mr. Aldrich/Student Services/ Technology Dept.

Why?  What are you good at doing- really?  It could become your future so...Let’s find out!

For those that are interested here are sample questions.


                Winter ARL Shadow Day Opportunities Now Available

      Permission Slips are due to your counselor by December 12, 2019

If you missed the November Shadow Day experiences you are in luck!!

The ARL is hosting one last Shadow Day opportunity for freshman and sophomores before scheduling begins. The Winter Shadow Dates are

January 8th and 9th

If you are interested in exploring any of the academies listed below please fill out the appropriate permission slip and return to your Counselor in Student Services by Thursday, December 12th at 2:10pm. 

Attending a Shadow Day can play an important role in a student’s decision making as they go through the scheduling process for the 2020-2021 school year. 

Remember that the academies are countywide programs, some of which fill up quickly.

The earlier a student requests enrollment in an academy, the better

 chance he/she has of being scheduled for that academy. 

Below are the dates for the academy specific Shadow Days:

Registration Forms are in Student Services


Wednesday, January 8th (periods 1 and 2) – current 10th graders only

Cybersecurity Operations        Architecture         Graphic Design

Automotive        Systems and Project Engineering        Agricultural Science

PLTW – Aerospace Engineering


Thursday, January 9th (period 1 and 2) – current 10th graders only

Computer Networking – Cyber      HVAC       Academy of Finance       Construction

Homeland Security           Biotechnology              Animation

Early College Program in Cybersecurity (current 9th graders ONLY)


Thursday, January 9th (periods 5 and 6) – current 10th graders only

 Health Professions 

*For questions about the academies or scheduling in general please

contact your designated counselor


The American Legion 2020 MD Boys State Program will be held at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD from June 21-27, 2020.  This is a Nationally-recognized program in leadership, government, and political sciences.  Tuition for the program for accepted boys is fully funded by The American Legion, Department of MD Posts and sponsors.  The application as well as a sample handbook is an online one at

The program’s aim is to expose current high school juniors to the United States Constitutional form of government.  The program will emphasize the necessity of their future active participation as a citizen in the government process to insure continuing freedoms and rights.

Attendees at Maryland Boys State have two exciting opportunities offered by McDaniel College.  For a small fee ($250.) any graduate of MD Boys State can receive two College Credits for the week from  McDaniel College by completing a few requirements in addition to full attendance and participation at Maryland Boys State.

Also, McDaniel College is offering Maryland Boys State 2020 Graduates that are accepted and enroll in McDaniel for Fall 2021 semester $10,000 per year ($40,000) for four years in scholarship funds.

Completed Boys State Application must be received at The American Legion, Department of Maryland Headquarters no later than April 15, 2020.


College Night for Parents at Carroll Community College

Wednesday, December 11, 6-7:30pm Location K Building Conference Center

Attend if you are sending a child to College this year or next year:

Financial Aid process Overview and Q& A of Maryland College Promise Requirements
What  to expect in general for you student once they are in College
Academic programs/Majors
How do classes transfer/AA degree to a four year
Information about ADA support services and how to set this up at the College level
Expectations and differences at the College level in general

Space is limited. Registration is required. This is a parent event.

RSVP today or call 410-386-8430


HC DrugFree Update

Sent on behalf of Joan Webb Scornaienchi, Executive Director, HC DrugFree: 

HC DrugFree’s Teen Advisory Council (TAC) will meet on Monday, December 16 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Barn/Teen Center in the Oakland Mills Village Center. TAC meets one Monday evening a month and is open to all Howard County high school students. Community service hours are available for all meetings and events. To access the registration form, please visit Refreshments provided at meetings, so must RSVP to or call 443-325-0040.


Volunteer Opportunities 

There are (2) final Fire & Ice events that need volunteer support. Please share this information with your students. Interested students should email me directly to volunteer.

Event Name: Fire & Ice Family Event #6

Date: Saturday, December 21st, 2019

Event Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Volunteer Arrival Time: 4:00 pm

Volunteer Departure Time: 8:15 pm

Number of Volunteers Needed: 20

Location: The Chrysalis, located inside Symphony Woods & Merriweather Post Pavilion

Event Location Address: 10431 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia 21044

Volunteer Drop-off & Parking Information: Parking is available in the garage and lot below the garage located at GPS: 10980 Grantchester Way, Columbia, MD 21044. (on corner of Broken Land Parkway and Little Patuxent Parkway) Parking is available in the office building garage directly across from the entrance to Symphony Woods/Merriweather Post Pavilion. GPS address at 10500 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia MD 21044

Responsibilities: Support the event as needed; event greeters, ushers, fire pit attendant

Split shifts available: No

Food available for volunteers: Yes - snacks, dinner, water

What to wear: This is an outside event! Dress for the weather! Staff hat provided.

NHS/SSL Hours Available: Yes – letter provided at the end of the event.

Registration deadline: Ongoing or until all slots filled

To register, please email:

Event Coordinator: Cathy Smith, 410-302-4662


Event Name: Fire & Ice Family Event #7

Date: Sunday, December 22nd, 2019

Event Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Volunteer Arrival Time: 4:00 pm

Volunteer Departure Time: 8:15 pm

Number of Volunteers Needed: 20

Location: The Chrysalis, located inside Symphony Woods & Merriweather Post Pavilion

Event Location Address: 10431 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia 21044

Volunteer Drop-off & Parking Information: Parking is available in the garage and lot below the garage located at GPS: 10980 Grantchester Way, Columbia, MD 21044. (on corner of Broken Land Parkway and Little Patuxent Parkway) Parking is available in the office building garage directly across from the entrance to Symphony Woods/Merriweather Post Pavilion. GPS address at 10500 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia MD 21044

Responsibilities: Support the event as needed; event greeters, ushers, fire pit attendant

Split shifts available: No

Food available for volunteers: Yes - snacks, dinner, water

What to wear: This is an outside event! Dress for the weather! Staff hat provided.

NHS/SSL Hours Available: Yes – letter provided at the end of the event.

Registration deadline: Ongoing or until all slots filled

To register, please email:

Event Coordinator: Cathy Smith, 410-302-4662

Cathy Smith, Jean Moon & Associates,
