Student Services News January 15, 2020


January 15, 2020


Summer School Programs

The Summer Programs webpage is updated! The webpage has been updated to include downloadable PFDs of the 2020 Summer Preview. Note that the  2020 Summer Programs Preview is translated is different languages. The course lists for each summer program has also been added under each program description.  In addition you will find enrollment and payment information.

file:///C:/Users/smiles/AppData/Local/Temp/2020-en-summer-school-preview-2.pdf (Copy and Paste to web browser)

The American Legion 2020 MD Boys State Program will be held at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD from June 21-27, 2020.  This is a Nationally-recognized program in leadership, government, and political sciences.  Tuition for the program for accepted boys is fully funded by The American Legion, Department of MD Posts and sponsors.  The application as well as a sample handbook is an online one at

The program’s aim is to expose current high school juniors to the United States Constitutional form of government.  The program will emphasize the necessity of their future active participation as a citizen in the government process to insure continuing freedoms and rights.

Attendees at Maryland Boys State have two exciting opportunities offered by McDaniel College.  For a small fee ($250.) any graduate of MD Boys State can receive two College Credits for the week from  McDaniel College by completing a few requirements in addition to full attendance and participation at Maryland Boys State.

Also, McDaniel College is offering Maryland Boys State 2020 Graduates that are accepted and enroll in McDaniel for Fall 2021 semester $10,000 per year ($40,000) for four years in scholarship funds.

Completed Boys State Application must be received at The American Legion, Department of Maryland Headquarters no later than April 15, 2020.


The next SAT Prep Class that will be offered at Glenelg High School by the GHS Boosters will begin in February 11, 2020.

You must register by February 10, 2020.

Math Classes will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 18, 25 & March 3, 10

Verbal Classes will be held on Thursday, February 13, 20, 27 & March 5, 12

More details about the SAT Prep class are available on the GHS website

These sessions are for preparation for the March 14, 2020 SAT test.  The deadline to sign up for this SAT test is February 14, 2020.  Sign up at


The next SAT test date is March 14, 2020.  Glenelg High School is not a test site for this date.  But it is offered at several locations in Howard County.  The regular registration deadline is February 15, 2020.  Sign up by this date to avoid a late fee.   Register on-line at    


January 2020 General and Local Scholarship Updates

2020 Bowen Leadership Group Scholarship Program

The Bowen Leadership Group ( is a non-profit organization established in 2014 by Lieutenant Colonel Calvert L. Bowen, III (TrIIIp), Wilde Lake Class of 1983, in recognition of the 50 years of leadership and service provided by his mother, Rosalie Arcuri Bowen, to the students and instructional staffs of the Howard County Public School System from 1968 until her retirement in 2014.  

The Bowen Leadership Group will award one “at large” scholarship to the best qualified candidate from applications from Howard County high schools.  Candidate applications are assessed for outstanding academic performance in high school and leadership in school and community activities. 2019 was our first “at large” scholarship, and we received ten applications from five schools across the county with our winner coming from Reservoir. Each of those applications was very compelling and the competition was fierce. The deadline for submission is 29 February 2020. 

Applications are available at  We are asking that all students email the applications back to us as that will help accelerate our review of their applications. Scanned copies of handwritten applications are also acceptable as long as we can read them. Finally, if a student cannot email us the application, we will always accept them by mail at our address:

Bowen Leadership Group

4732 Rams Horn Row

Ellicott City, MD 21042 

Calvert L. Bowen, III

President and CEO


The Princeton Prize in Race Relations recognizes students who are helping improve race relations in their schools or communities.  Winners of the Princeton Prize in Race Relations are awarded $1,000 and invited to Princeton University for an expense-paid weekend symposium on race.  Apply online or by mail.  For more information, visit   Application deadline: January 31.

Women’s Board Scholarship Program at MedStar Montgomery Medical Center is offering a scholarship to support students pursuing a degree in the healthcare field.    Scholarships can range from $500 to $4,000.  Scholarships may be applied to a student’s tuition, room, board, books and fees.  Deadline for applying is March 16, 2020 at 5:00 pm.    For information and to apply please go to

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Student Scholarship is given annually to the graduating high school senior from the greater Baltimore area who best demonstrates their academic ability and desire to pursue excellence in the electrical engineering community.  This is a cash gift to $1,000 per year for up to four years, and is intended to provide cash assistance for books, materials, IT equipment or other necessary items to complete their college education.  Students, once awarded, are required to maintain active full time enrollment in an undergraduate electrical engineering or related curriculum.  Applications are available in Student Services.  Application deadline is February 28, 2020.  Applications are available in Student Services.


Pearl Foundation, Inc., charitable affiliate of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc, Iota Lambda Omega Chapter, Howard County, is once again offering scholarship opportunities for Howard County graduating seniors.  The mission of the Pearl Foundation, Incorporated is to support broad educational, charitable, and community service programs that uphold the mission and values of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in the communities they serve.  Scholarships awarded vary from $500-$5,000.  Twenty-one scholarships are being offered.

Applications can be obtained at under Our Scholarship. Completed   applications must be postmarked by February 24, 2020.