Congratulations to the Glenelg It’s Academic Team

Congratulations to the Glenelg It’s Academic Team, who competed last Saturday on the TV show It’s Academic via Zoom. The team included Charlotte Kutz, who is team captain, Elizabeth Bai, and Kira Ronaghan. They competed against Marriotts Ridge and Milford Mill High Schools and answered all but 1 question correctly! They ended with an awe-inspiring score of 475 points. Marriotts Ridge was close behind with 450 points. The show will air on March 20, 2021, at 10:00 am on channel 13 WJZ. We will compete in the next round on March 6, 2021. Congratulations to our It’s Academic team! We are very proud of you! Great job! We meet on Thursdays at 3:15 pm (code “ItsAcademic”) and always welcome new members!