Student Services News November 2, 2018


November 2, 2018


Sgt. Donald Robinson from the Army National Guard will be in Student Services on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 9:30 to speak to any students who want to find out more about the Army National Guard.  Sign up on your Naviance account.  Or see Mrs. Miles in Student Services if you want to meet with him.




The 32nd Annual “Champions of Courage” Black History Month Essay Competition, presented by FOX 45, The CW Baltimore, and MyTV Baltimore.  The competition is open to all Maryland students,  grades 6 through 12.  “Champions of Courage” is a showcase for students to honor those who have shared the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with young people.  The competition challenges students to salute their personal heroes or mentors… positive role models who have inspired them to dream and achieve.

Students can enter by writing a brief essay (65 to 80 words) saluting their “Champion of Courage”.  Twenty essays will be selected as winners.  Winners will present their essays on FOX 45, The CW Baltimore, and MyTV Baltimore during January and February 2019 and will receive a $100 prize at an awards ceremony to be held in late January.  The three top finalists will be awarded additional prizes and their schools will receive cash awards in their honor.  The deadline for entries is Friday, November 30, 2018.  Competition rules and guidelines are available in Student Services.  Go to   for more information.



From the HCPSS Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion:

Youth in Conversation 2018-2019


Youth in conversation is a group of high school students who want to “talk about the things no one talks about”. Their goal is to build community by having conversations about things they have in common and things that separate us, such as race, culture, religion and gender.  They believe if we take the time to listen to each other, we can find ways to be a better community because of our diversity. Groups have already begun meeting.  If you want to join in come to Student Services to find out more.

The group is high school representatives from the HCPSS with mentors from #OneHoward YouthSpeak.  It is co-sponsored by HCPSS Diversity Director, Dr. Kevin Gilbert and the HCPSS Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  Meetings are the second Monday of every month from 6:30-8:30 in Columbia, MD. 

Send questions to Rebecca Dietz at (443-326-3816).  Applications can be downloaded at 


News from the Glenwood Library

Free practice ACT exam offered by The Princeton Review at the Glenwood Branch of Howard County Library System. 


Practice ACT Exam (ages 13-19)

Age Group(s): Grades 9-12
Date: 11/4/2018
Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Time: 5:00 PM


 Take a practice ACT test on Nov 4 with The Princeton Review. Return for your results on Nov 17 and discuss test taking strategies, test options, and the college admissions timeline.

Nov 4 at 1pm: Practice Test (Bring pencils and graphing calculator)

Nov 17 at 11am: Results (Parents welcome)

Register: ***Please only register if you are certain you can attend, because space is limited.  Thank you.


Lori Conforti | Teens' Instructor & Research Specialist

Howard County Library System | 2350 Rt 97 | Cooksville,  MD 21723
410-313-5577 library | 410-313-5583 office |


Volunteer Opportunity

Event Name: FREE Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Date: Thursday, November 22nd, 2018 (Thanksgiving Day)

Event Time: 11:30 am – 2:00 pm

Shift #1 Volunteer Arrival Time: 9:30 am

Shift #1 Volunteer Departure Time: 11:30 am

Number of Volunteers Needed: 4-6

Shift #2 Volunteer Arrival Time: 11:15 am

Shift #2 Volunteer Departure Time: 2:30 pm

Number of Volunteers Needed: 10-12

Shift #3 Volunteer Arrival Time: 2:15 pm

Shift #3 Volunteer Departure Time: 4:00 pm

Number of Volunteers Needed: 8-10

*This shift is especially important. Cleanup support desperately needed!

Location: Melville United Methodist Church

Location Address: 5660 Furnace Avenue, Elkridge, MD

Responsibilities: Help set up, serve, clean up, talk with guests

Split shifts available: OK to volunteer for 1, 2 or all 3 shifts.

Food available for volunteers: yes

What to wear: Comfortable clothing and shoes

NHS/SSL Hours Available: Bonus hours for serving on Thanksgiving!

Registration deadline: Friday, November 16th. Please indicate which shift(s) you want. Event Coordinator, phone, email: Cathy Smith,, 410-302-4662