Important News

Volunteers Need to Sell Prom and After Prom Tickets

We need your help parents! We are looking for parents who can help sell Prom and After Prom tickets on March 18-22, 2019, from 10:00 am - 12:15 pm. Please use this sign up sheet if you are available to help!

Cap and Gown Order for the Class of 2019

There will be a senior meeting in the cafeteria on March 19, 2019. All seniors will need to attend for information about your caps & gowns for graduation. After the meeting, seniors will be able to place their orders on March 26 - March 28, 2019, during lunch shifts.

Congratulation Maggie Yin!

Maggie Yin has won a National Gold in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Competition. This is the largest competition for the arts in the nation with over 340,000 entries, only 800 receive a national gold recognition. Maggie’s artwork will go on display in a gallery in New York City and she will be recognized on stage at Carnegie Hall in June. Congratulations, Maggie!

Student Services News March 8, 2019

Junior College Planning Event - March 14, 2019, Howard Community College deadlines, Volunteer Opportunities, Active Scholarships

Congratulations to Ms. Leila Chawkat!

Congratulations to Ms. Leila Chawkat! Ms. Chawkat, G/T Resource Teacher, has been nominated for an Educator Recognition Award.

Congratulations to Graham Dilworth!

Congratulations to Graham Dilworth! Graham has advanced to Finalist standing in the National Merit Scholarship Program of 2019, by demonstrating through distinguished performance high potential for future academic accomplishment

Health Room Dismissal Procedures

If your student becomes ill at school they should report to the health room. The nurse or health room assistant will assess your student and call you if it is necessary for your ill student to be picked up and sent home. Please come into the attendance office with identification to sign out and dismiss your student.

Gladiators on the Horizon program for 2019 - 2020

This is a reminder that applications for the Gladiators on the Horizon program for the 2019 - 2020 school year are currently being accepted. All current mentors, wishing to continue in the program, must reapply. The online application window will close this Sunday, March 10, 2019, at 11:59 pm (EST) after which no applications will be accepted.